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Zuul Gatekeep 3.10.2 Released

by Alan Milligan last modified Oct 03, 2019 06:24 AM
A big new update for our OpenStack-based CI/CD Zuul Gatekeeper
Zuul Gatekeep 3.10.2 Released

Zuul is the gatekeeper between Git/Gerrit source code/code review platform and Jenkins which verifies all branch/commit tests pass.

Zuul handles all kinds of mult-branch and pre-emptive merging such that reviewers/product managers have certainty around collating/electing branches for release; that they'll successfully merge and critical source trees will not be broken. This allows many developers to push code often; and for product owners to not be forced to re-review code simply because it no longer merged cleanly.

This is a significant Zuul release for us: from Zuul 2 to Zuul 3 - and from Python 2 to Python 3.

Nodepool is now incorporated for the standing up, tearing down, control and management of arbitrary Jenkins slave pool(s) - with OpenStack and AWS target environments supported out of the box.

We have incorporated all of this into our latest Chef cookbook infrastructure for deploying this suite - even more Jenkins goodness is automagically available across your continuous delivery stack.

We also include integrations for Github and other tools supporting this ecosystem such that you may benefit from gating without having to consume the entire stack. There are many moving parts to what we can and do offer and of course the existing assets you may substitute. Our hig high-level offering looks something like this:

Please do reach out to discuss your requirements.